
Disciplining using time out

Time out is generally used in sports.And its effective discipline technique for kids .It is not punishment but a technique that takes children away from the activities which are causing conflict in their behavior and gives them the time and space that they may need to calm down and think of better behavioral options. If child gets angry and starts showing anger on other team members/ play mates/toys then it becomes important to make child calm and tell about her mistake so that she won't repeat it again.Many parents prefer to put children in Time Out in a particular location such as on a Naughty Step, but this is not totally necessary. I used time out in following manner for my daughter and it helped her to calm down and resume super energetic activities again.

What is a Time Out?

Time Out is a discipline technique in which a child is led away from situation/place and asked to sit quietly and alone for a given period of time. Usually a child is placed Time Out in a different room from where (s)he was misbehaving.
Note :Closets, rooms without lights, garages, attics and basements should not be used for Time Outs.Room for time out must be in house ,well lit where children usually go.

How Long Should Time Outs Last?

As a general rule of thumb, a Time Out should last for the same number of minutes as the child’s age (eight year old should stay for eight minutes, ten year old for ten, etc.). However, many children remain angry or distracted for the first several minutes of a Time Out, so parents should inform them that their Time Out does not start until they can sit quietly. Parents do not need to tell their children how long a Time Out will last, though they should tell children that they must
remain in Time Out until they return to speak with them again.

Can Time Outs be used on Children of All Ages?

Time Outs only work for children who understand that they should use their quiet time to reflect on their behavior. Generally this means that children between the ages of three and ten years respond best to Time Outs. Some parents do find that short Time Outs also work with children as young as two years of age, but this will depend upon the specific child.

Should Parents be Present during Time Outs?

Parents should supervise Time Outs in order to ensure that their child is safe, but the point of a Time Out is to remove attention from the child and allow him/her the time to think through their misbehavior. For this reason, even if parents remain in the same room as a child during a Time
Out they should ignore the child for the duration.

How Should Time Outs End?

When the child has sat quietly for as long as the parent deemed necessary, the parent should return to the child and tell him/her that their Time Out is over. Parents should use this time to speak with their child about why they were put in Time Out and how they could avoid these
behaviors in the future. Parents should also prompt their child to apologize for his/her misbehavior.Time Out is a popular discipline technique with modern parents. A Time Out allows a child to get away from the causes of his/her misbehavior and calm down away from
prying eyes. Time Out also allows children the time to think over their misbehavior and work through more appropriate options. Parents who use this technique should remind all other caregivers and babysitters of its benefits as well.

photo credit: Discilpline via photopin (license)
Disciplining using time out Disciplining using time out Reviewed by roopali on 03:01:00 Rating: 5

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