Is your child hitting others ? Here are tips to handle childhood aggression
Are you worried
about your kids hitting other kids while playing with each other? Does your
child use hitting as a way to express displeasure? Do they kick other kids on
the play ground? Do they hit you if they
don't get what they want?
This is natural
and normal behaviour for children who do not always have the words or the
skills to handle difficult situations. Toddlers and pre schoolers will often
respond physically to situations that upset them because they have not yet
learned other ways to respond.
Parents often worry about their kids being bullied or ragged by others at nursery or school, so it’s always a shock when you learn that your child is the bully. Dealing with aggressive behavior and toddler tantrums can really put your parenting skills to the test. There are various possible reasons for which your child may resort to bullying and physical violence, but they can be easily addressed through firm parenting. Toddlers and preschoolers are not exactly attuned to social etiquette and sometimes find it easiest to express their feelings of anger, neglect, or frustration by lashing out.
Following are few tips to help avoid hitting.
Parents often worry about their kids being bullied or ragged by others at nursery or school, so it’s always a shock when you learn that your child is the bully. Dealing with aggressive behavior and toddler tantrums can really put your parenting skills to the test. There are various possible reasons for which your child may resort to bullying and physical violence, but they can be easily addressed through firm parenting. Toddlers and preschoolers are not exactly attuned to social etiquette and sometimes find it easiest to express their feelings of anger, neglect, or frustration by lashing out.
Following are few tips to help avoid hitting.
1.Provide physical outlets:
Some kids have
loads of energy and they need to let out their energy and thus give them enough
ways to play in the playground, jump up and down etc. This helps them
channelize their energy in the right direction and not get irritated and
2.Be Calm while handling such situation:
Be calm and quiet
when handling your kid when he/she is hitting someone, go and take them on one
corner ask them why are they doing this. Explain them tell them its not the
right thing to do.
3.Give words to feeling :
Ask child
why is he/she doing this give him words ask him is he angry, does he want
anything. Has someone hurt their feelings?, has someone taken their things? Ask
them to talk and express feelings.
4.Find Reasons and address the Unmet needs:
Sometimes hitting
comes from parents telling kids what to do and not giving them any options. If
parents give children more control, they should be less likely to lash out.
Instead of asking kids to do something, prefer to tell them what to do, but
provide options. So, instead of saying "would you like to put your shoes
on now?", say "It is time to put your shoes on. Would you like to
wear the red ones or the blue ones?
5.Be Honest to yourself:
Have you been
displaying any negative behaviour towards your kids or around him, he/she will
try and replicate what you do, so first ask yourself are you displaying any
annoying behaviour? if yes stop now or anyone else doing that with your kid
stop it immediately. Kids learn many things by observing parents. So parents
should avoid hitting kids.
6.Limit TV time:
TV has loads of
programs which have certain violent streaks, so limit the television time cause children
may follow their super heroes and idol’s
actions.Avoid playing violent cartoon series for them .
7.Give Alternatives to Hitting
Some kids hit
because they don't know what else to do. They are angry or feel like they have
been treated unfairly and don't know what to do about it, so they hit. Teach
kids alternatives to hitting.
This can include:
Using words: Helping them to
express their feelings and use words to solve problems instead of hitting
people. Sometimes that is as simple as saying "no". However, if kids
feel like "no" is never respected, then they are unlikely to feel
like that is an appropriate option instead of hitting.
Walking away: Teaching them that they can walk away when someone is
treating them badly instead of lashing back at that person.
Stomping feet: If they do feel the need to react physically to their
anger, Give them options like stomping their feet or pounding their fists into
a pillow.
Seek for help: It is good for to
learn to solve own problems and disputes. However ask kids to get help in a
difficult situation than have them resort to violence. So if kids are having
trouble with another kid, encourage them to ask parents, a teacher or other
trusted adult for help.
Is your child hitting others ? Here are tips to handle childhood aggression
Reviewed by roopali

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