Handling tantrums in kids
credit: Pissed
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is 4 year old sweet and charming little girl. She is very intelligent
and grasps everything very easily.She is good listener as well.Mishas
parents are very happy as they are having misha as their darling
angel. As misha was growing when and where she went to mall along
with her parents she developed interest in dolls.Being only kid she
got variety of dolls of many different brands from many different toy
shops. Initially it was going good , but after some time her parents
stopped buying dolls for her ,As mishas house was full of dolls and
she hardly played with many of them for a day or two.
day while in the mall misha was passing by toys shop with her parents
and she started demanding doll.When they refused to get the doll from
toy shop misha started crying, then screaming, then
throwing shoes ,her water bottle and it continued. In spite of
offering her favorite candy also she didn't stop crying. And finally
to resolve it her parents bought one more new doll from the toy shop.
This happened again and again whenever she saw toy shops she
cried,shouted,screamed and thrown things on her parents. As it went
on ,her parents had questions in mind “Why so
many of toy shops in the mall ? ” “What if we don't pass by toy
shop or avoid going to mall ?” And for avoiding mishas
tantrums her parents stopped going to mall along with
here is not because of toys. It was tantrum by the little misha for
getting her demand fullfiiled. Tantrums are just a way to get
attention,convey dissatisfaction, or a way to get what they want.
Every time avoiding situation which creates tantrums is not possible.
When kids through tantrums it becomes difficult to handle them. Its
for some time only and kids forget what happened. Just relax and try
to handle situation calmly.
are few tips to help parents/caregivers for handling tantrums of
children .
- Watch for signs of Tantrums:Stress can be the main reason for tantrums. Being hungry/thirsty , tiredness , pain , physical discomfort etc can be reasons for showing tantrums.Kids can't express their feelings and start throwing tantrums .It becomes important for parents/ caregivers to check for the exact reasons. And try to resolve the problem by offering food , water or any other comfort to kid.Also tantrums might be for getting things ,going out.
- Don't lose your cool:Loosing cool is the easiest thing to do.So don't be angry on child or don't shout back on them.As children are forming opinions and learning things from parents /caregivers .So don't react and try to be patient. Let child calm down and check if child is safe or child dose not hurt self. As many kids hurt themselves unknowingly .
- Don't try to argue:While throwing tantrums kids are in a state where he/she is trying to understand,demand things, kid may or may not understand what parent /caregiver want to convey thru arguments. So arguments have no solution .In this situation parent or caregiver have to explain kid about their wrong behaviour in a calm and composed way .
- Bring on the toys or Distract child:Get kid's toys that attract or distract his/her attention from tantrums, it does help him /her as you create an imaginary situation with him/her using toys. Like if he/she wants to go to a park and that is the reason for tantrums then create a situation where toys are playing in the park and thus he/she can enjoy.
- Use time-outs :Use time outs but sparingly,you may be able to reserve time-outs for situations where your child is endangering himself.Once your child is around 3 years old, time-outs become more effective. Preschoolers are better able to understand when they've done something wrong and that time-outs are a form of punishment. Define the behavior you want to stop. Use the time-out when child is intentionally doing something that you have forbidden.
- Talk it over afterward:Parents need to talk it out with child once the tantrum storm has passed away.Explaining everything like why punishment was given ? or what they did was wrong is important.Also parents should as child for not repeating tantrums again in future.Don't let the child feel rewarded or punished for a tantrum.
- Let your child know you love him/her:After tantrum gets over give child hug and tell him/her how much you love them.So that child will realize punishment,time out given for tantrum was not for him/her ,but it was for only wrong behaviour.
Handling tantrums in kids
Reviewed by roopali

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