
Can books be used for playing ?

Can books be used for playing ? If anyone would have asked same question before 30 years back than probably answer would have been “NO “ but now time has changed and variety of books are available in the market.Which are not only interesting but also very interactive and can be easily used for playing with.
There are times when children get bored by playing with toys and games or while traveling with children it's not possible to carry all toys always.And then books comes to rescue , as these books can be used for playing. Books are best for building vocabulary,relating pictures to real world and enhancing reading skills.For every stage of growing children there are different types of books which help them learning while having fun.Avail these different type of books for children and enjoy their new play time.

Check some books which can be used for playing while learning

1. Books which can be explained first in pictures
Toddlers books are another good investment in money but books should be ones that can be stored for a long time preferably hard cover ones which have pictures as well as short story, this way initially children can look at pictures.Children learn  by seeing pictures as they learn to relate these pictures given in the book. These books help child to associate picture with alphabets ,picture with name of object .

2. Flash cards
These are very interesting type of cards generally used for memorization.Flash cards have cards having pictures on it.Children learn by seeing and identifying these cards.Interestingly these flash cards are used for children as young as of age 6 months.Children enjoy playing with these cards and learn identifying objects.

3. Musical books
Musical books are interesting books which play music.It's ideal for young kids generally to learn sounds of animals , sounds of vehicles. There are musical books available for older children also which play nursery songs ,alphabets , numbers.Its interactive way of learning as child feels as if book is interacting and teaching them. These books operate on batteries for playing music.

4. Scribbling Pads,Blank papers
Toddlers normally love to draw and color.As we know many kids scribble on any surface including the walls. Initially, they have trouble holding the pencil or crayon and tend to make wild strokes. Scribbling pads and blank papers can be given to children for drawing ,painting ,it ll encourage them to do this artistic skills.

5. Adjusting books
In these books children have to arrange the spellings , pictures to answer the asked questions.And adjusting books are used for older school going children to solve problems.Answer strips are to be adjusted to get solution of problem.Or given things should be placed in order by adjustments given in the books.Its fun while learn for kids as they like this different activity.

6. Coloring books
Coloring books can be used for toddlers and older children.It have drawn pictures and children have to color them. Its fun for children to color while learning.Using pencil colors ,crayon colors is good way to color for younger children.

7. Sticker books
Sticker books have set of stickers and then some pages have place to stick these stickers. The sticker should be sticked to exact place allocated for it in the book. Child have to find out that place and stick sticker. Its very good option to keep child busy while traveling. As children get bored easily and need some different  activity always this is great option to keep them busy.

8. Puzzle books
Puzzle books can be used for school going children.It has many different types of puzzles to solve.Solving puzzles help children to solve problems.It's been said puzzle solving helps in brain development.

9. Story making books
Story making books have set of pictures ,and children have to frame a story using these pictures. It not only helps children to imagine but to find words and frame them.Children love stories and making one of their own using given set of pictures is innovative.

photo credit: Crayons via photopin (license)
Can books be used for playing ? Can books be used for playing ? Reviewed by roopali on 15:11:00 Rating: 5

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